Installation view with Tsk, 2024
Anderson Yezerski Gallery

"The pink-gloved hands in Tsk are giant and scolding. Yet at that scale, with those undulating patterns and that dripping paint, they are hardly prim. Or maybe they're performatively prim."

- Cate McQuaid, An Ocean in a Drop, April 16th 2024

Click here to read a full description of the process behind this monumental painting.

Installation view with Rant and Rave, 2020
Anderson Yezerski Gallery

"Emily has been painting hands for years, too. Bare or gloved, holding things or gesticulating, sometimes dramatically lit like actors on stage, the hands command uncanny attention."

- Cate McQuaid

The Naked Metaphor
2022, oil and colored pencil on Mylar, 16 x 20 inches

The Balcony
2024, oil and colored pencil on Mylar, 14 x 11 inches